2022年12月16日 星期五



台北道場 士林區 涵德壇 (2002/11/09)

There is nothing to be afraid if you behave honestly and with integrity.

Miracles will happen to those who are sincere.

Maybe you feel a little tired, but you would feel heavenly joy by lifting your spirits.

sit upright

a once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity

This opportunity would slip away if you don't cherish it. It is a big pity to you.

People just don't worship the Buddhas in good times but they would desperately seek the Buddhas' help when in distress.

With affinity, people will meet with each other despite being thousands of miles apart.

Seize the moment to find delight in Tao.

Holy Teacher Ji-Gong Living Buddha's merciful oracles:

(Holy Teacher's merciful encouragements for the Seminar participants)

How do you feel about the class? Does it make you believe in the existence of Buddhas? Can you feel the Buddhas' presence in your life? Do you? Well goes a Chinese saying, 'There is nothing to be afraid if you are upright and just.' But how can you be sure that you are really upright and just? Just like now, are you sitting upright with your back straight? I am your Holy Teacher so I can see you very clearly from above.

Some people may say, “Buddhas don't exist because I never see them with my eyes.”  So you don't believe in their existence since you cannot see or feel the Buddhas, right? Let me ask you, “What do you generally worship at home?” (Facilitator: We worship ancestors.) But can you see your ancestors with your eyes? (No.) Then why do you worship them? It is because you can somehow feel their presence, right?

Though you cannot see them with your eyes, you still can feel it in your heart. You even believe that they can protect you. What you see is only an ancestral tablet in your home but you have faith in their existence. Now with such a big Buddha statue sitting right here in front of you, don't you believe in his existence? Well, no matter how big and conspicuous the Buddha statue is, if you don't put in your heart and mind, still he doesn't seem to exist to you. 

While following the lessons here, if you doze off – or if your mind has wandered off – you wouldn't be mindful for the speaker right in front of you, even if he is very handsome, right? So, what can one's mind do? (Facilitator: The mind can sense. When our mind is present, clear, calm, and sincere, miracles can happen. We can even feel the Buddhas' light.

But when our mind is perturbed, which means we turn a blind eye or a deaf ear, it would feel like as though we have nothing to do with things around us). Your heart makes you feel and even change anything in the world. When your heart is beautiful and kind, everything around you would be great.

Didn't you find that this place is very different from other places? You used to do all the talking in your prayers to the Buddhas at the altar in temples, whereas the Buddhas didn't get a chance to say anything. But now, since you have already said too much, let Holy Teacher talk to you for a change. Isn't it a good idea? Previously you could say anything without time restraint after lighting up the incense and offering fruits. Indeed, for what you have said, I did hear you and understand you perfectly. 

sentient beings? My being here proves that I love you even more. With so much you have said previously in your prayers, now I'd like to clarify everything to make you better understand it. Pay attention now! Maybe you don't feel comfortable with the chairs, or maybe you feel a little tired, by lifting your spirits you would feel heavenly joy, Aren't Buddhas forgiving? Aren't Buddhas merciful?

Don't Buddhas love especially in this unusual occasion where so many Buddhas are here watching over you. What an enormous, wonderful and glorious affinity it is! Ever since you came here this morning, didn't you feel that Buddhas have been taking care of you? Do feel and appreciate their loving care and compassion. Unfortunately, some of you still think of going home. As your Holy Teacher, I want you to sit through the Tao Seminar

for this once-in-a-blue-moon opportunity would slip away if you don't cherish it. And that would be a big pity to you.

When praying to the Buddhas, what do you usually pray for? Didn't you pray for protection, money, good family, career, youth, beauty or safety? You pray for anything you can get, even for the things you do not deserve to own, right?

What you have to do is only make a little endeavor by offering some plates of fruits. Maybe you would argue, 'Miracles will happen to those who are sincere.' But how come miracles still don't happen? How come good things only happen to other people but not to you? A saying gives a good explanation, 'People just don't worship the Buddhas in good times but they would desperately seek the Buddhas' help when in distress.' Isn't that true to you?

So, among so many Buddhas, which Buddha do you think is the most merciful and deserving of your respect? After traveling to so many different places, having seen countless Buddha statues and been to so many temples, which Buddha leaves the most lasting impression on you? (Ji-Gong Living Buddha)

People often say that if you want to do a good deed, don't hesitate. Just do it. If you want to give something to someone, you must do it at a proper time. For example, if you want to arrange a beautiful bouquet of flowers, you have to do it at a proper time. It would be of no avail if you arrange it after your guests have all left, for no one would be there to appreciate your art work. So if you don't grasp and appreciate the opportunity of these two days in the seminar, no one would then be here to do the sharing of teachings and to connect with you if you choose to come at another time.

Well goes a saying, 'With affinity, people will meet with each other despite being thousands of miles apart.' This is very true, especially when we, Teacher and disciples, are of heavenly and earthly worlds apart, doesn't that make our meeting now significantly different? Therefore, you must pay special attention. Like the Buddha statues sitting upright in front of you, you must sit upright in front of me, OK?

Do you really pay attention now? (Facilitator: We need to pay attention in order to commune with holy spirits.) Do you pay attention? (Facilitator: I'm listening to the Buddha's teachings very attentively.) So you are. (Facilitator: Yes, I am.) What is the true meaning of paying attention and not paying attention?

While sitting here, however, do you have peace of mind? Maybe you are physically here, abiding by the class rules and regulations and following class etiquette, but meanwhile you are full of anxiety and worries, distracted by what you need to do when you get back home or thinking of the tasks you have to get done later another day; your heart is not rested at all! Then how can you be carefree?

Do you understand? Why not put everything aside so you can focus your attention here? Why not make some time here right now? Anyway, you still have so much time future in your life. Like a holy spirit you will be happy. If you really want to be busy, you have a lot to be busy with later in your days. Do you understand? What can you do here and now? (Facilitator: Seize the moment.)

Yes, seize the moment to find delight in Tao. Never will you feel tired of doing so.

平常你在家裡罵家人 的時候,毫不鬆口,毫不軟手,有罵即回嘴,會不會這樣?因為人在爭一口氣,對不對?
When at home you want to scold someone, or when you want to fight with or talk back to your family members, it doesn't seem to be very difficult to you so it becomes very common. It happens very often because you want to insist on your right, don't you?
However, 'Kind words can keep one warm for three winters. Abusive words can make one feel cold in the summer.' Hot as it is in summer, an offensive remark can cause a chill in your heart and hence be upsetting. So where is Tao? Tao is in your daily life. It is manifested in the kind and warm words uttered that delight all the people around you.

So when your criticisms become destructive to someone's confidence, especially when he really wants to do something, you are only hurting him. Not only would these destructive words hurt others, they also hurt you in return.

Is there anyone around you who is perfect without any shortcomings at all? Are your family members, friends, relatives, co-workers, or children perfect? If you wish to seek out perfection in someone, you need to seek it in yourself first.

When you are imperfect, then the people around you would appear just as imperfect as well. The things you see through them cannot be perfect because your eyes are clouded. What have you learned from the Tao teachings today? They have made you more open-minded and more accommodating. Your two days would not be spent in vain, for you have learned something very rewarding. At least you have taken up the time to stay away from the mundane things by putting your heart and mind in here. 
After you go back home, think carefully about the times when you scolded someone with such intensity, using the fiercest, most vicious and most virulent language in order to exert your superiority. You feel that you can't afford to lose in any argument or to go soft in a fight, right? While saints and sages vie for the everlasting future, mortals only fight for contemporary things.

If you emulate the saints and sages and be more magnanimous and accommodating, then you would never want to fight, especially when you have already been fighting over such a long time just to be vindicated. Wouldn't you get mad when your neighbors dumped their garbage in front of your house? Maybe one or two times is OK, but what about ten times? Therefore, we must take our time to learn because we are not quite adequate; that is why we have to learn.

The temple where you learn need not be extraordinarily beautiful and imposing, but the real truth lies within, not on the exterior. The great truth can only be perceived through the heart when you are calm and carefree.

Where is Tao? (Facilitator: Tao is in our heart.) Tao is in yourself. Then, what is the purpose of your being here? (To learn.)
25.你有沒有謙虛的心、  願意學習的心?裝得更多啊!「道」不只在你的心裡,在你的身體,在你的家裡,在這個社會,在這個國家。對不對?唯有「道」才能移風易俗,以道援溺。所以,你們現在學道,更要加緊腳步。
So do you have the humility and will to learn? Only when you are humble and willing will you be able to learn more. Tao is not only in your heart but it is also in your body, family, society and nation. Only Tao can change the prevailing habits and customs for the better. Only Tao can rescue the uninitiated. Now that you are willing to learn Tao, you must step up the pace to catch up.

When the gap between you and others is narrowed, you will be able to understand more of each other. If you don't show concern for your loved ones, the distance between you will grow apart, even with your family members living closely under the same roof. You share nothing in common to start up a conversation. You will find it easier to talk to your friends and your family will become more like strangers to you.

But in fact, the best haven you can seek is right at home, especially when you are hurt or upset, so don't neglect your family. Share what you have learned over here and spread Tao to your family. This is how you can bring harmony and warmth to your family.

If you trust someone only for his appearance – or if you reject someone simply because he doesn't look presentable – then you are not wise enough. The real truth is to be found within, not on the outside or on the packaging. When you see an actor on TV who dresses glamorously to portray his role, you would think of him as a great actor.

Today, however, Holy Teacher did not borrow a dashing actor, but an ordinary little girl as holy medium. She does not get paid for doing her job, nor was she purposely invited to perform here. Through channeling, Holy Teacher is using the holy medium to teach you, hoping the words can be etched in your heart and touch you. No matter what you encounter in the future, you'll realize that there is still a Buddha, a Buddha in your life that cares for you.

You'll never be alone, all because you are a disciple of Ji-Gong Living Buddha.

If you try to see something through the crack of the door, you will only see a part of it. Only when you open the door, elevate your mind, and become wiser will you be able to see the whole picture. You will see the ultimate truth.

'When true heart fades not, even spring water could flow in the desert.' As your Teacher, I never underestimate any region. Each region is equally important. The lotus will definitely bloom according to its different affinity in different places.

